We have created these Progress Checklists as a helpful tool to assist you in keeping records of your student’s progress. Below is a sample of how these checklists may be used.
- You will notice that for Lesson 1, a simple notation (X) has been used to indicate that the lesson was viewed, and the problems in the exercise set were completed. This could have been done in 2 parts, maybe half the problems right away, and the other half, the next day. This may be your approach if you are not so concerned with numerical grades. You will also notice that there was no quiz for Lesson 1. That means the quiz for Lesson 2 includes Lesson 1 material.
- Another approach is illustrated in the lesson 2 record. Here we have shown that the lesson was viewed twice, 9 out of 10 exercises were completed successfully, and analyzed for errors. Then, taking the Form A quiz resulted in a score of 80%, and it was decided that more study was needed. After additional review, the Form B quiz was taken, and the student scored 90%. That was considered acceptable.
- A third approach is shown in the record for Lesson 3. You will notice that the student viewed the video lesson on September 16th, and got 75% of the exercises correct. The student then took the Form A quiz, getting a 90% score. That was considered as mastery, so no further work was needed.
- Notice too, that the record for the Unit Test is shown, including options for documenting the scoring, and results for Forms A and B.
Algebra Progress Checklists:
This download is a collection of the Algebra Progress Checklists (one for each unit) which will help parents keep track of a student’s progress. Each checklist has areas to mark showing that a student has viewed the lesson, worked the odd exercises, taken Quiz A, worked the even exercises (if needed), and taken Quiz B (if needed). There is also a section to record the scores of Unit Tests and Cumulative Tests.
Geometry Progress Checklists:
The following links are for the Geometry Unit Checklists which will help parents keep track of a student’s progress. Each checklist has areas to mark showing that a student has viewed the lesson, worked the odd exercises, taken Quiz A, worked the even exercises (if needed), and taken Quiz B (if needed). There is also a section to record the scores of Unit Tests and Cumulative Tests. More checklists will become available as more units are published.