We love technology and the new ways it provides for learning. However, there are always learning curves, advancements, and at times, just strange things that happen. We hope this page will help you navigate any questions that you may experience while using the online program. As always, if your question is not answered here, please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-ALGEBRA.
I’m using a MAC. How can I navigate to PRINT the pages, OPEN the PDF in a new window, or SAVE the PDF to my computer?
MAC w/ TRACKPAD: Once the PDF loads, right click (by holding 2 fingers on the touchpad). From the options, you may now select:
- Open PDF in New Window
- Save
To print multiple pages, print from the PDF you opened in the New Window/New Tab or from the saved copy on your computer.
MAC w/ OPTICAL MOUSE: Once the PDF loads, hold down the “control” key and click the mouse. From the options, you may now select:
- Open PDF in New Window
- Open PDF in New Tab
- Save PDF as
- Print page
HELP! I click the PDF and it is UPSIDE DOWN!
Technology does crazy things sometimes and there is no rhyme or reason. We are working to resolve this issue, but it seems the best way to correct this problem for now is to open the document in a NEW WINDOW. The PDF corrects itself when this is done. SEE ABOVE for the directions to opening the selected PDF in a new window or tab.
My instructional video has stuck partially through watching and won’t go further. What do I do?
A. Unfortunately, a buffering video can sometimes get “clogged” when downloading. While all of the following steps are not always necessary, we recommend doing them all to make sure a video is working properly again:
1) Clear out your temporary internet files and cookies.
2) Restart your computer.
3) Play a different video upon re-entering the program.
4) After the different video has worked, you should now have no trouble with the previous video.
I have an iPad or iPhone and want to use VideoText Online on it. What do I need to download?
A. As instruction becomes increasingly more “mobile”, VideoText is aware of how convenient it can be to not just use our programs on a PC or laptop. You will currently find that the Online Algebra course is iPad and iPhone compatible (with the Online Geometry course to soon follow). The good news is that no app is necessary to utilize this benefit. Just go to VideoText Online through your typical browser (e.g. Safari or Chrome), and use the program as you normally would. If you find yourself having any technical difficulties, make sure to update your OS to the most current version available for your device.
My print PDFs no longer show in Mozilla Firefox, which displays the warning “This PDF document may not be displayed correctly” at the top of my browser window.
A. In the recent update to Firefox 19, an in-house PDF reader has been introduced, which will bypass Adobe Reader. Since Adobe Reader is currently more compatible with VideoText Online, you will want to disable the new PDF reader in Firefox, by doing the following:
1) Select “Tools” at the top menu.
2) Select “Options”.
3) Click on “Applications” and search for “PDF”. This will reveal the PDF setting, currently set to “Preview in Firefox”.
4) Open the “Action” drop menu, and switch to “Use Adobe Acrobat (in Firefox)”.
5) Click “OK” and restart your Firefox browser.
This should change your PDF viewer back to Adobe, and keep Firefox more functional with VideoText Online (as well as other websites).
My print PDFs are not displaying correctly in my browser, and my Adobe Reader says I have no new updates available.
A. A fairly outdated edition of Adobe Reader may often indicate no new updates using the “Update Check” option, when, in fact, a new version is available.
1) Open Adobe Reader and select “Help”.
2) Select “About Adobe Reader”, and check to see which version is installed.
3) Go to www.adobe.com to see which version is currently available for download. If a newer version is available, download it directly from the Adobe website.
If a current version of Adobe is already installed on your computer, check any other applicable FAQs, or contact us for direct assistance at 1-800-ALGEBRA, ext. 107.
My print PDFs only show a “red X” in Internet Explorer, and my Adobe Reader is up-to-date.
A. 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer have shown compatibility issues with Adobe Reader, and will typically display the symbol of a “red X” in place of the PDF. We highly suggest downloading a different browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, for use with VideoText Online (as well as other websites).
If you are unsure if your Operating System is 32-bit or 64-bit, you may do the following:
1) Open your Windows Control Panel.
2) Select “System” or “System and Maintenance”.
3) Under “System”, look for the option to “View amount of RAM and processor speed”.
4) The option of “System Type” will indicate this information.
I have forgotten my password. How do I reset it?
A. Instructor and student accounts that have been created with an actual email account (and not a fake VideoText username), may be easily reset using the password reset feature on the right-side of the VideoText Online login page. Simply click the “Yes, help me log in” button, and you will be taken to a location to enter the forgotten email username. This will send an automated email with a link that will take you to a page to which will reset your password. You will then receive another email with a new temporary password. Upon logging in, you may then select your name in the top right of the screen to view your user profile and change your temporary password to a new one of your choosing.
Because this feature is only usable to users with a valid email, we strongly suggest all users have a unique proper email. If you would like to change a previously issued fake VideoText username to a an actual email for your student, please contact customercare@videotext.com or call 1-800-ALGEBRA.
My print PDFs only show a “red X” in Internet Explorer, and my Adobe Reader is up-to-date.
A. 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer have shown compatibility issues with Adobe Reader, and will typically display the symbol of a “red X” in place of the PDF. We highly suggest downloading a different browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, for use with VideoText Online (as well as other websites).
I am ready to activate my second student account. How do I go about doing this?
A. Send us an email at customercare@videotext.com or give us a call at 1-800-ALGEBRA.
Why does my account mention “Beta Testers”? Do I have to submit a feedback form?
A. The special note for Beta Testers that you may notice in red is for a special group of VideoText Online users that were the first to enroll in the program. Only these users must submit a feedback form, although we encourage any feedback from any user. If you have a suggestion for VideoText, please feel free to submit it to customercare@videotext.com.
When I select the blue link for the review on a Unit Assessment, it does not provide me with a review? Where do I find this?
A. As studying for a Unit Test can be intimidating, a student should review appropriately before hand. To accomplish this, the student should take Form A of the Unit Test (the green link below the blue review link), and take it cold, without any preparation. Grade it as you would a regular Unit Test, and use the Instructor’s Guide to correct those problems that were missed, creating a study-guide to efficiently prepare the student to take Form B, “for real”. Of course, if the student does a masterful job on Form A, go ahead and count it.
My print PDFs do not display in my Mozilla Firefox browser, which tells me the correct plug-in is not installed.
A. This error will typically be displayed on a Mac computer running Firefox. Unfortunately, Firefox does not work correctly with Adobe Reader on a Mac, and will often cause difficulty when trying to view embedded PDFs. We would recommend using the already installed Safari browser on a Mac, or downloading Google Chrome (which we prefer on a Mac). Google Chrome for Mac may be located by clicking here.